Aberystwyth (Ceredigion) 42, 3
Acid rain 31, 54
Adventurers' Fen: see Wicken Fen
Agricultural landscapes 24, 17
Aldreth 51, 44
Alien species 34, 35; 44, 40; 48, 46; 49, 24
Allotment Biodiversity 64, 104
Anglesey Abbey 10, 2; 13, 16; 39, 59
Aquatic fauna 3, 31
Aquatic flora 23, 29; 50, 18
Arable weeds 28, 19
Armed ponds 11, 25
Arthur's Meadow 62, 64
Babington, Charles Cardale: botany and 41, 2; 54, 27
Babraham Road 48, 57
Backs, The 54, 65
Baker's Fen: see Wicken Fen
Bar Hill 32, 27
Barn Owl pellets 38, 65
Barnack Hills and Holes (v.c. 32) 22, 11; 39, 22
Barrington Pits 1, 20; 4, 4; 17, 10; 19, 5; 19, 9
Bartlow Hills 6, 16
Barton Mills (Suffolk) 3, 17
Bassenhally Pits 11, 6; 11, 19; 12, 16; 14, 16; 19, 10
Bassingbourn 9, 31; 10, 28; 11, 30; 28, 19; 31, 12
Bat Group, Cambridgeshire 46, 64
Bedford Purlieus (v.c. 32) 20, 8
Bedlam Pit, Manea 14, 8; 21, 17
Beechwood Reserve, Wort's Causeway 15, 5; 16, 10; 21, 15
Bee-wall 34, 58
Bevill's Wood (v.c. 31) 39, 22
Bibliography, Natural History (2000 - 2005) 48, 88; 52, 86; 58, 86; 63, 80
Biodiversity Monitoring 64, 64
Bin Brook 33, 14
Bird Club, Cambridge 1, 17; 16, 28; 17, 14; 18, 15; 22, 34
Annual Reports 16, 28; 17, 14; 18, 15
Survey 22, 34
Bog Oaks 52, 49
Bordighera (NW Italy) 64, 99
Botanic Garden, Cambridge
Bats 64, 3, 15
Birds 26, 49
Bryophytes 64, 25
Bryophytes on imported limestone 34, 45
Fungi 46, 76; 59, 3
Guided tour 22, 10
Ivy Broomrape 26, 66
Leaf miners 63, 5
Molluscs 54, 53
Native and naturalised garlics 35, 67
Orobanche hederae 26, 66
Phenology 65, 66
Plant Galls 63, 5
Temperature Record 62, 89
Use of water in pond 20, 21
Weather notes 49, 109; 50, 140; 51, 111; 53, 99; 54, 90; 55, 146; 56, 94; 57, 157; 58, 110; 59, 92; 60, 80; 61, 92; 62, 88; 63, 79; 64, 132
Botanical recording 21, 24; 24, 53; 26, 15; 30, 58
Botanical year, highlights 30, 27
Botanising in the 1820s 39, 59
Bottisham Fen: Jenyns, botanizing 39, 59
Bottisham Park
Avifauna 21, 31
Fishes 19, 37
Flora 19, 39; 63, 43
Jenyns, botanizing 39, 59
Survey 18, 22
Boundaries Survey, Cottenham 51, 73
Bourn Brook 21, 9; 24, 16; 55, 118
Bradfield Woods (Suffolk) 22, 14; 26, 13
Brampton Wood (v.c. 31) 35, 66
Brandon Country Park (Suffolk) 6, 20; 14, 17; 17, 13; 20, 10
Breckland 2, 14; 34, 43
Brickpits 25, 21; 25, 30; 32, 3
Floras by Cambridge Authors 61, 62
Brownhill Staunch, Over 5, 18
Bryological excursions: fifty years 30, 41
Bryophyte records 1, 25; 5, 38; 9, 51; 17, 20; 27, 7; 28, 60; 29, 77; 30, 61; 31, 65; 32, 80; 33, 67; 34, 73; 35, 85; 36, 94; 37, 51; 39, 87; 40, 85; 41, 102; 42, 94; 43, 55; 44, 55; 45, 76; 46, 90; 47, 92; 48, 96; 49, 96; 50, 124; 51, 92; 52, 73; 53, 90; 54, 78; 55, 137; 56, 79; 57, 139; 58, 89; 59, 79; 60, 69; 61, 77; 62, 77; 63, 62; 64, 119; 65, 115
BSBI: monitoring in TL45 30, 54
Buff Wood 4, 14; 12, 15; 25, 15; 33, 61; 41, 73
Burwell 2, 15; 39, 59
Bury 53, 45
Bury Pond, Ramsey 53, 45
Butterfly monitoring 39, 22
Buzz pollination 30, 16
Byron's Pool 39, 17
Cam Valley Forum 43, 59; 44, 60
Cam, River: see River Cam
CAMBIENT: see Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely Naturalists' Trust
Cambourne 50, 51; 65, 16
Cambridge Botanic Garden; see Botanic Garden, Cambridge
Cambridge Bryological Excursions: fifty years 30, 41
Cambridge Conservation Corps 16, 43
Cambridge Conservation Volunteers 40th anniversary 45, 86
Cambridge Lichen Group 58, 23; 60, 13
Cambridge Natural History Society 1, 8; 1, 13; 2, 10; 3, 12; 4, 11; 5, 11; 6, 9; 7, 9; 8, 12; 9, 13; 10, 15; 11, 15; 12, 14; 13, 12; 14, 13; 15, 14; 16, 8; 17, 8; 18, 10; 19, 7; 20, 7; 21, 7; 22, 8; 23, 9; 24, 17; 25, 65; 26, 14; 30, 3; 48, 80; 48, 85; 50, 92; 50, 96; 50, 106; 50, 108; 50, 113; 50, 116; 51, 75; 52, 52; 54, 5; 55, 100; 56, 62; 57, 115, 124; 58, 80; 61, 60; 62, 72, 75; 63, 53, 54, 56; 64, 106, 113, 115, 116; 65, 103, 108, 114
North East 61, 50
Puddles 46, 20
Science Park 48, 20; 61, 33
Street flora 42, 3; 65, 72
Wildlife potential 34, 52
Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely Naturalists' Trust (CAMBIENT)
21st birthday celebration 21, 6
Annual Reports 1, 4; 2, 4; 3, 3; 4, 3; 5, 3; 6, 2; 7, 2; 8, 2; 9, 2; 10, 3; 11, 4; 12, 5; 13, 4; 14, 4; 15, 4; 16, 4; 17, 4; 18, 6; 19, 4; 20, 4; 21, 5; 22, 4; 23, 4; 24, 5; 25, 4; 26, 3
Brief history 13, 18
Ecological survey 23, 40; 26, 19
Inaugural meeting of 1, 4
Watch Club 24, 9; 25, 9; 26, 10
Cambridgeshire Flora records since 1538 61, 65
Cambridgeshire Orchards Group 58, 59
Castor Hanglands (v.c. 32) 22, 11; 39, 22; 41, 11
Cavenham Heath (Suffolk) 2, 14; 21, 13
Chalk grassland 18, 18; 62, 21
Chalk heaths, vanishing 29, 26
Charophyte Report 63, 76
Cherry Hinton 39, 59; 52, 52; 62, 72
Brook 58, 73
Chalk Pits 1, 5; 1, 18; 4, 5; 6, 4; 7, 3; 7, 18; 17, 9; 21, 15; 24, 21; 35, 2; 64, 46
Hall: aquatic fauna 3, 31
Chesterford Park Woods 8, 19
Chesterton Sidings: see Milton-Chesterton Sidings
Chettisham Meadow 16, 4; 18, 12; 24, 12
Childerley Parish 51, 82
Chimney 58, 85
Chippenham Fen 2, 13; 4, 17; 7, 20; 11, 18; 16, 10; 20, 10; 20, 11; 24, 14; 26, 25; 39, 22; 51, 28; 53, 61; 56, 69; 57, 3; 59, 14
Chippenham Park 9, 19
Chishill 2, 14
Chrishall Grange Plantation 4, 15
Churches and/or Churchyards
Bats 29, 58
Ferns 12, 22; 34, 32; 42, 34
(Book Review) 31,
Lichens 28, 40
Mepal 28, 40
Nature of God's Acre (Book Review) 50,
Orwell 57, 108
Snowdrops 35, 65
Swaffham Bulbeck 57, 148
Wimpole Hall, St Andrew's 34, 32
Cities, wildlife potential 34, 52
Climate 2, 34
Coe Fen 9, 49; 17, 33; 48, 80; 55, 32; 58, 80; 62, 56
Coldham's Common 25, 13; 50, 96; 60, 47
Common lands 23, 42; 49, 70
Conington 46, 29
Conservation Corps 16, 43
Conservation Volunteers, Cambridge 45, 86
Conversazione (Cambridge Natural History Society) 50, 108; 61, 60
Coploe Hill Parish Pit, Ickleton 6, 4; 41, 99
Cornfield weeds 33, 50
Coton 56, 52
Coton Countryside Reserve 53, 73; 63, 56
Coton footpath 46, 34; 57, 115
Cottenham, Monksilver Nursery 45, 70; 51, 73
Countryside Advisory Working Party 13, 6
Countryside Restoration Trust 48, 83
Cow Fen, Swavesey 28, 2
Crayfish plague 46, 39
Crocodile, A Cambridge 37, 43
Crompton, Gigi retired as recorder 45, 70
Croxton Parish 51, 82
Croxton Park 10, 26
Croydon Hill 6, 14
Development, effects on flora & fauna 32, 27; 50, 51
Devil's Ditch/Dyke 2, 4; 2, 15; 3, 5; 4, 14; 4, 16; 11, 17; 14, 6; 15, 15; 17, 11; 18, 18; 19, 9; 21, 14; 22, 11; 22, 47; 24, 13; 26, 38; 31, 48; 34, 66; 35, 13; 35, 82; 39, 59; 53, 3; 53, 24; 54, 33; 55, 76; 60, 3, 13; 62, 21, 26; 64, 33
Diatoms 6, 39; 35, 75
Ditch flora 36, 17; 45, 37
Ditton Park Wood, 1, 7; 2, 15
Ditton Meadows, Survey 51, 75
Doggett, F: animal doctor & taxidermist 47, 86
Downing College 63, 19
Downing Site, Cambridge 1, 13; 38, 23
Ditches in the Fens 64, 58
Dullingham sand-pits 4, 14
Dyke vegetation 25, 34
Earith 6, 19
Ecological surveys 23, 40; 26, 19
Ecological teaching 17, 33; 18, 35
Elsworth Wood 22, 9
Ely Common 56, 10
Ely Coucher Book 42, 37
Ely, Isle of 47, 43
Errata 27, 0 (inside front cover)
European Conservation Year 1970 13, 6; 14, 4
Eversden Wood 50, 44; 53, 57
Fairy rings 30, 13
Farmers and naturalists, meetings 26, 13
Farmland birds 48, 44
Farren, William: taxidermist 47, 83
Fen Drayton 9, 19; 56, 20 {Lakes}
Fenland: Mosquitos 65, 47
Fens, Haddenham 52, 49
Fenstanton 46, 29; 50, 73
Fertility, Hobson's Brook 20, 24
Field Road Pond, Ramsey 53, 45
Fires, Wicken Fen 41, 65
Fleam Dyke 1, 7; 2, 4; 3, 4; 4, 40; 8, 19; 16, 9; 19, 8; 21, 14; 43, 2; 44, 2; 44, 58; 56, 32; 57, 54, 72; 59, 6; 60, 13; 64, 33
Flora Group, Cambridgeshire 33, 60; 34, 64; 35, 80; 41, 98
18th & 19th century: Moor Barns Bath 35, 17
Since 1538 43, 60
Alien 34, 35
Aquatic 23, 29; 45, 64
Bottisham Park 19, 39; 63, 43
Breckland-type 48, 20
Floras by Cambridge Authors 61, 62
Cambridgeshire records since 1538 61, 65
Ditch 36, 17; 45, 37
Fenland 55, 112
Milton-Chesterton sidings 43, 11
Street 42, 3
Introduced 'look-alikes' 48, 46
New Cambridgeshire 48, 86
Railway 12, 21; 24, 31
Roadworks 23, 47
Rubbish tips 19, 23
Walls & buildings 47, 43
Fordham Wood 10, 5; 11, 6; 12, 7; 13, 5; 15, 5; 21, 10
Cylindrical Whorl Snail 48, 57
Reptiles 32, 17
Wood 6, 38
Foul Anchor 1, 19; 17, 13; 21, 26; 22, 13
Fowlmere 15, 35; 21, 18; 50, 67
Fowlmere Watercress Beds/RSPB Reserve 3, 15; 34, 66
Friends of the Roman Road and Fleam Dyke 44, 58
Fulbourn 53, 71
Fulbourn Educational Nature Reserve (Fulbourn Fen) 11, 6; 11, 17; 14, 8; 14, 15; 15, 8; 15, 18; 20, 5; 20, 9; 22, 10; 30, 35
Furze Hills, Hildersham 3, 3; 6, 16; 30, 4
Botanical account 22, 42
Cinques 18, 35; 20, 5; 21, 15
Great Heath Wood Meadow 11, 18; 22, 10
Jenyns, botanizing 39, 59
White Wood 7, 16
Wood 1, 7; 1, 20; 34, 3; 35, 77; 41, 73
Garden, Paul's 65, 60
Garden plants, Alien 49, 24
Gerarde, John: 'Herball' 39, 3
Geodiversty 55, 127
Girton 31, 19; 31, 50; 36, 83; 37, 43; 37, 44; 37, 48; 43, 23; 48, 19; 48, 23
Washpit Lane 43, 24
Wood 47, 85
Glyphosate treatment 44, 37
Gog Magog Hills 34, 35
Godwin Plots, Wicken Fen 41, 33
Grafham Water (v.c. 31) 19, 11
Grantchester Meadows 50, 92; 59, 64
Grassland Monitoring 64, 46
Gravel pits 2, 14; 3, 16; 9, 19; 11, 18; 19, 35
Graysmoor Pits 9, 18; 19, 10; 21, 17
experiment, Thriplow meadows 6, 21; 7, 13; 8, 17; 9, 21; 10, 21; 15, 21
lack of and effects on Cambridge Milk Parsley 49, 11
Great Chesterford Gravel Pits 3, 16
Great Chishill (v.c. 19) 35, 81
Great Kneighton 56, 62
Great Ouse, River: see River Great Ouse
Great Widgham Wood 6, 14
Great Wilbraham Common 35, 81
Green Hills, Soham 33, 63
'Greys', near Royston 14, 16
Groton Wood (Suffolk) 25, 11
Grunty Fen 38, 16
Habitat changes in Cambridgeshire 50, 3
Habitat enhancement 46, 47
Habitat management, Wicken Fen 29, 14
Habitat recreation, Wicken Fen 41, 58
Habitat restoration 47, 73
Devil's Dyke 18, 18; 35, 13
Histon Brook 47, 73
Habitat survey 34, 50
Haddenham Pond 22, 9
Haddenham Fens 52, 49
Hardwick Wood 18, 13; 34, 69; 41, 73
Harlton Chalk Pit 6, 17
Haslingfield Chalk Pit 6, 17
Hayley Lane: new hedge 23, 26; 29, 72
Hayley Wood 5, 3; 6, 3; 7, 2; 7, 16; 7, 18; 7, 23; 8, 2; 9, 6; 10, 9; 10, 17; 11, 9; 11, 19; 12, 10; 13, 10; 13, 14; 14, 9; 14, 15; 15, 9; 18, 11; 19, 8; 19, 32; 20, 8; 24, 11; 25, 12; 58, 76; 65, 16
Autumn and winter 23, 27
Birds 8, 30; 22, 34; 24, 45; 29, 47; 30, 23; 31, 56
Bryophytes 35, 82
Diatoms 6, 39
Flies 25, 41; 28, 9; 30, 21
Fungi 8, 29; 19, 10
History 49, 37
Mammals 8, 36; 19, 32; 22, 15; 26, 52; 26, 60; 45, 49; 52, 19
Nowellia curvifolia 6, 42
Study Group 64, 118
Hazelcroft, Gamlingay 35, 77
Hedge-laying 25, 32
Hedgerows 9, 23; 15, 19; 23, 18; 23, 26; 25, 11; 25, 32; 29, 72; 46, 29
Herbarium, Cambridge University 40, 79; 55, 108
Heydon Chalk Pit 13, 5
Hibbert-Ware, Alice: biography42, 76
High Fen: see Kingfisher's Bridge
Furze Hills 3, 3; 6, 16; 30, 4
Hall 12, 19
Wood 1, 19; 6, 26
Hill of Health 60, 53
Hilton (v.c. 31) 46, 29
Hinxton Hall 8, 29
Histon 42, 84; 44, 37
Brook 47, 73
Vision Park Pool 41, 21
Hobson's Brook: then & now 17, 24; 20, 24
Holme Fen (v.c. 31) 15, 18; 18, 15; 39, 22
Holme-next-the-Sea (Norfolk) 24, 15
Bee-wall 34, 58; 39, 16
Nineteenth-century Lepidoptera 31, 46
Horse Pond, Ramsey 53, 45
Hundred-Foot Washes 2, 13
Huxley, Richenda: memorial meeting 45, 81
Ickleton Pit 6, 4
Ickworth Park (Suffolk) 21, 13
Index (1-13) 14, 35; (14-27) 27, 11; (1-37) 37, 55; (1-50) 50, 141
Invertebrate Monitoring 64, 46
Invertebrate records 49, 100; 50, 129; 51, 95; 52, 74; 53, 91; 54, 80; 56, 81; 57, 141
Isleham 5, 14
Jenyns, Revd Leonard: fishes 16, 19; 39, 15; 39, 59
King's College Wildflower Meadow 64, 64
King's Dyke Nature Reserve, Whittlesey 61, 3
Kingfisher's Bridge 40, 37; 41, 88; 44, 21; 47, 8; 47, 24; 55, 60; 57, 43
Kingston, Crane Lane 52, 43
Kingston Wood 45, 2
Knapwell 46, 29; 55, 129
Grange Farm 43, 28
Hope Farm 47, 68
Warden scheme at Overhall Grove 12, 20
Wood 9, 15; 10, 17; 12, 25; 13, 14; 13, 29; 14, 14; 14, 25; 14, 27; 15, 11; 22, 12; 41, 73; 42, 68
Kneesworth 9, 31; 10, 28; 11, 30
Landscapes project 24, 17
Langley Wood 9, 16
Lime Kiln Close: see Cherry Hinton Chalk Pits
Little Breed Fen 41, 70
Little Trees Hill: see Stapleford Pit
Little Widgham Wood 7, 21
Live trapping of small mammals 26, 60
Local Nature Reserves, first in Cambridge 35, 2
Lode Allotments
60, 60
Lodge, The, Sandy (Beds) 11, 20; 16, 12; 24, 16
Longstowe Hall 10, 20; 11, 16
Lord's Bridge Radio Astronomy Observatory 25, 51; 25, 58
Lower Wood 63, 46; 64, 79; 65, 33
Madeleine's Patch 65, 77
800 Wood 54, 60; 65, 24
Brickpits 32, 3
Hall 3, 14; 5, 14; 33, 62
Moor Barns Bath 35, 17
Octo Centenary (800) Wood 54, 60
Parish: bird populations and communities 36, 68
Wood 33, 61; 38, 27; 41, 73; 49, 58; 56, 52; 58, 23; 65, 16
Magog Trust, The 33, 39
Maidcross Hill, Lakenheath (Suffolk) 34, 64
Manea Pit 9, 18; 13, 9; 21, 17
Mare and Middle Fens, Swavesey 21, 9; 28, 2; 33, 63; 37, 46; 47, 80
Mare Way 2, 4; 3, 4; 5, 7
'Maritime' plants 36, 37
Medicinal herbs 18, 16
Mepal 2, 14; 28, 40; 59, 25
Migration, Amphibian 48, 19
Mill Pits, Over 35, 81
Milton-Chesterton Sidings 43, 7; 43, 8; 43, 11; 43, 12
Monk's Hole Wood 2, 14
Monks Wood (v.c. 31) 8, 21; 39, 22; 50, 6; 51, 108
Moor Barns Bath, including 18th- and 19th-century plant records 35, 17
Morden Heath/Grange Plantation 8, 38; 10, 19; 34, 65
Moth Recording 61, 22
Mycological Collections 60, 20
Mystery field 33, 49
Myxomatosis 2, 21
Natural History of Cambridge, A 58, 108; 59, 91; 60, 79; 61, 66; 62, 76
Natural History Society
Cambridge: see Cambridge Natural History Society
South Cambridgeshire 9, 14
Naturalist, Travels of 64, 95
Naturalists Trusts, Conference of 6, 37; 8, 11
Naturalists, farmers and, meetings 26, 13
Nature conservation 24, 23; 31, 48
Nature diary, keeping a 47, 41
Nature in Cambridgeshire 2, 6; 3, 7; 27, 1; 28, 1; 50, 106
Nature Reserves, Local, first in Cambridge 35, 2
Nature reserves, town margin 24, 20
Nature Week, National 7, 8
Nene Washes 31, 31; 34, 67; 54, 11
Newmarket 33, 50
Newmarket Heath 9, 17; 18, 14; 21, 11; 39, 59
Newton Parish 51, 82
Nine Wells 22, 12; 28, 50; 56, 62
North East Cambridge 61, 50
Norwood Road, March 7, 4; 8, 4; 9, 18; 10, 5; 12, 17; 13, 5; 14, 8; 17, 13; 24, 20
Oaks, Bog 52, 49
59, 68
Orchards 48, 33; 58, 59
Orwell Churych and churchyard 57, 108
Orwell Pit 4, 4
Ouse River Board Pits 4, 4
Ouse Washes 9, 18; 10, 6; 11, 5; 13, 21; 13, 23; 14, 14; 15, 5; 15, 10; 15, 14; 15, 15; 15, 33; 16, 8; 16, 9; 16, 37; 17, 9; 18, 11; 18, 14; 19, 8; 21, 8; 21, 16; 22, 8; 22, 12; 23, 29; 24, 6; 24, 9; 25, 10; 26, 11; 33, 63; 36, 17; 45, 37; 45, 64; 50, 59; 54, 11; 56, 3; 59, 21
Out Wood 7, 21; 35, 80
Over 5, 18; 21, 9; 35, 81
Overhall Grove 12, 20; 17, 10; 21, 8; 23, 10; 23, 18; 24, 10; 41, 73
Owl pellets 38, 65; 51, 67
Oxbridge line, Abandoned 12, 21
Paleogeography: Fenland 65, 47
Palmer, William H. Memorial Appeal/Fund 28, 1; 29, 3
Pampisford Hall 7, 22
Pandemic, Wildlife Monitoring in 63, 61
Papworth Wood 24, 10
Paradise 4, 5; 5, 5; 7, 3; 33, 25
Parish Pits 1, 30; 4, 4
Paul's Garden 65, 60
Peakirk Waterfowl Gardens (v.c. 32) 5, 14; 6, 15
Peat Holes 2, 24; 10, 23
Phenology, botanic garden 65, 66
Phenology, changes in 50, 85
Phenology, flowering plants 65, 84
Photography, nature 19, 14
Pits, Ouse River Board 4, 4
Pits, parish 1, 30; 4, 4
Pollination, buzz 30, 16
Polygons 29, 26; 30, 13
Armed 11, 25
Ephemeral 31, 2
Organisms 38, 3
Temporary 38, 3
Use of water 20, 21
Village ponds survey 4, 5
Population crash, Water Vole 46, 3
Potash Lane Hedge, Polstead (Suffolk) 25, 11
Publicity in schools 1, 9
Puddles, Cambridge 46, 20
Quy Fen 1, 6; 1, 19; 3, 3; 4, 4; 7, 20; 28, 56
Railway flora 12, 21; 12, 22; 24, 31
Rainfall 43, 36
Rampton 24, 48
Ramsey 53, 45
Raveley Wood 59, 57
Ray, John: butterbur 33, 25; 40, 2; 44, 13; 54, 36
Reach 4, 16; 5, 16; 10, 18; 14, 18; 14, 21; 24, 15
Botanical 21, 24; 24, 53; 26, 15; 30, 58
Zoological 28, 5
Rescue, Amphibian 48, 19
Riparian communities, Cambridge, history of 49, 70
River Cam 29, 5; 40, 61; 45, 29; 50, 18; 55, 49
River Great Ouse 45, 29; 49, 39; 49, 49
River Shep 46, 47
Road Traffic 53, 45
Road Casualties
60, 37
Roads, 'Maritime' plants 36, 37
Roadside verges 4, 6; 5, 4; 63, 28
Roadworks, flora 23, 47
Robinson Crusoe Island, Cambridge 55, 116
Roof, Flat, Flora of 52, 43
Roman Road 2, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 16, 10; 21, 15
Roswell Pits, Ely 1, 19; 13, 10; 15, 17; 16, 11; 17, 12; 19, 8; 21, 12; 24, 21; 34, 68
RSPB, Grange Farm, Knapwell 43, 28
Rubbish tips: flora & fauna of 19, 23
Rummers Lane 48, 33
Saltmarsh 21, 26
Sandy (Beds), The Lodge 11, 20; 16, 12; 24, 16
Sandy Lane, Cambridge 42, 83
Sawston Hall and Moor 4, 17; 31, 43; 49, 11; 51, 28
Schools, publicity in 1, 9
Scrub clearance 3, 4; 18, 18
Set-aside, Histon 44, 37
Sheep's Green, Newnham 51,
61; 53, 3; 62, 56
Shep, River: see River Shep
Shepreth L-Moor 10, 5; 12, 18; 19, 9; 21, 25; 55, 46
Skulls, moss growing on 40, 74
Snailwell Meadows 51, 28
Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves (SPNR) 1, 9
Soham Meadows 17, 11; 20, 9; 24, 14; 25, 12; 33, 63
Soil stripes 29, 26; 30, 13
South Cambridgeshire Natural History Society 9, 14
Space for people 47, 42
Sparrows Grove 7, 21; 35, 80
St. Ives Meadow Lane Pits 59, 50
Stallode Wash (Suffolk) 3, 15
Stapleford Allotment Biodiversity 64, 104
Stapleford Pit 4, 4; 17, 10; 21, 14
Street flora 42, 3
Stretham Pumping Engine 21, 10
Subaerial habitats, Algae in 47, 60
Suburbia, Lepidoptera in 31, 19
Survey, Cambridge habitat 34, 50
Sutton 35, 82; 51, 44
Swaffham Bulbeck Church 57, 148
Swaffham Fen 39, 59
Swaffham Prior
Weather notes 47, 100; 48, 104
Swavesey 21, 9; 28, 2; 33, 49; 38, 16
Teaching ecology 17, 33; 18, 35
Temperature Record 62, 89
Teversham Fen 39, 59
Therfield Heath (Herts) 1, 6; 9, 15
Thermokarst landforms 38, 16
Thetford Forest (Norfolk) 18, 12
Hummocky Fields SSSI: see Whittlesford/Thriplow
Meadows 3, 4; 4, 3; 5, 16; 6, 3; 6, 15; 6, 21; 6, 24; 7, 13; 7, 15; 7, 19; 8, 17; 8, 24; 9, 21; 10, 21; 11, 18; 12, 17; 13, 15; 14, 17; 15, 16; 15, 21; 15, 25; 22, 11
Peat Holes 2, 24; 3, 16; 8, 23; 10, 23
Touch, Plant Identification by 60, 61
Town margins, Nature reserves 24, 20
Trapping, live, of small mammals 26, 60
Triplow: See Thriplow
Trumpington Meadows 55, 49; 55, 100; 64, 106
Trumpington Street, Cambridge: Algae 34, 28
Tydd Gote 64, 71
U3A 41, 99; 42, 68; 65, 112
Upware Field Centre 13, 8; 18, 13; 24, 13; 25, 11; 26, 11
Upware Pits 10, 19; 14, 6; 26, 12
Vascular plant records 1, 27; 2, 36; 3, 36; 5, 37; 6, 45; 7, 38; 8, 60; 9, 54; 10, 34; 11, 36; 12, 36; 13, 30; 14, 27; 15, 40; 16, 41; 17, 36; 18, 41; 19, 61; 20, 45; 21, 39; 22, 50; 23, 53; 24, 54; 25, 62; 26, 70; 27, 5; 28, 59; 29, 74; 30, 59; 31, 62; 32, 77; 33, 65; 34, 70; 35, 83; 36, 91; 37, 49; 38, 75; 39, 84; 40, 84; 41, 100; 42, 93; 43, 51; 44, 50; 45, 71; 46, 85; 47, 86; 48, 91; 49, 89; 50, 117; 51, 84; 52, 64; 53, 82; 54, 71; 55, 131; 56, 72; 57, 129; 58, 89; 59, 70; 60, 62; 61, 78; 62, 80; 63, 65; 64, 122; 65, 118
Village ponds survey 4, 5
Walls (Lichens) 8, 45; 54, 56
Wandlebury 1, 7; 5, 17; 7, 17; 9, 7; 16, 10; 21, 15; 48, 55; 61, 67; 62, 54
Warboys: Madeleine's Patch 65, 77
Warden Scheme at Overhall Grove, Knapwell 12, 20
Waresley Wood (v.c. 31) 21, 8
Wash, The 49, 84
Watch Club 24, 9; 25, 9; 26, 10
Waterbeach Airfield & Barracks 55, 96
Waterbeach Parish 51, 82
Water quality: indicators 32, 67; 33, 14; 35, 3
Ouse Washes 45, 64
Water table, effects on Cambridge Milk Parsley 49, 11
Weather: Effects on flora 65, 72
Weather notes
40 years 42, 97
100 years 50, 10
Cambridge Botanic Garden 49, 109; 50, 140; 51, 111; 53, 99; 54, 90; 55, 146; 56, 94; 57, 157; 58, 110; 59, 92; 60, 80; 61, 92; 62, 88; 63, 79; 64, 132; 65, 137
Cambridgeshire 3, 41; 4, 49; 5, 53; 6, 49; 7, 42; 8, 59; 9, 55; 10, 35; 11, 37; 12, 37; 13, 32; 14, 29; 15, 41; 16, 43; 17, 38; 18, 41; 19, 73; 20, 49; 21, 43; 22, 54; 23, 55; 24, 57; 25, 63; 26, 71; 27, 8; 27, 9; 28, 63; 29, 78; 30, 63; 31, 67; 32, 83; 33, 70; 34, 75; 35, 87; 36, 95; 37, 53; 38, 79; 39, 87; 40, 87; 41, 103; 42, 103; 43, 68; 44, 64; 45, 88; 46, 104; 47, 98; 48, 103; 49, 111; 52, 91
Swaffham Prior 48, 104; 49, 109
Weeds, arable 28, 19; 33, 50
Welches Dam: see Ouse Washes
Welney Washes 3, 17
West Cambridge 57, 115
West Wratting Park 7, 19
Weston Colville: Lower Wood 37, 24
Wet Horse Fen 17, 11; 20, 9
Wettest Year on Record 55, 146
White Wood, Gamlingay 7, 16
Whittlesey, King's Dyke Nature Reserve 61, 3
Whittlesey Pits 61, 11
Whittlesford Woods 6, 13
Whittlesford/Thriplow Hummocky Fields SSSI 38, 3
Wicken Fen 1, 14; 2, 11; 3, 13; 4, 12; 4, 15; 5, 12; 5, 15; 6, 10; 6, 18; 7, 10; 7, 17; 8, 13; 8, 27; 9, 10; 10, 14; 11, 14; 12, 13; 13, 11; 14, 10; 15, 12; 16, 6; 17, 6; 18, 8; 18, 13; 19, 6; 20, 6; 21, 7; 21, 10; 22, 6; 22, 13; 25, 4; 33, 20; 33, 62; 36, 84; 41, 58; 55, 37; 57, 91
Aquatic Coleoptera and Mollusca 36, 88
Baker's Fen 41, 58
Bearded Tits 3, 37
Brickpits 25, 21
Bristle Club-rush 40, 69
Butterflies 39, 22
Bryophytes 7, 34
Chromatium sp. 25, 30
Comfrey 30, 16
Dactylorchids 29, 69
Daphnia magna 3, 35
Diatoms 6, 39
Dwarf Stonewort 43, 34
Eleocharis quinqueflora 39, 53
Emmelina argoteles 50, 79
Ferns 31, 61; 33, 64
Fen Dandelion 41, 70
Fen Violet 26, 62; 42, 27; 57, 91
Fires (1903 & 1904)41, 65
Godwin Plots 41, 33
Gurney, Robert: 1923 diary 39, 74
Habitat recreation 41, 58
Insect species richness 29, 37
Invertebrates 51, 95
Isolepis setacea 40, 69
Lichens 52, 26
Litter Vegetation 47, 15
Local Committee 1, 14; 2, 11; 3, 13; 4, 12; 5, 12; 6, 10; 7, 10; 8, 13; 9, 10; 10, 14; 11, 14; 12, 13; 13, 11; 14, 10; 15, 12; 16, 6; 17, 6; 18, 8; 19, 6; 20, 6; 21, 7; 22, 6; 33, 20; 36, 84
Management 62, 3
Management, history and experimentation 29, 14
Management for diversity 47, 15
Milk-parsley 24, 38
Millennium 100 years 41, 46
Molluscs 17, 16; 36, 88
Mosquitoes 28, 13
Moths 55, 37
Museum Project 1, 10
Nematodes 14, 23
New water bodies 35, 25
Nitella tenuissima 43, 34
Peucedanum palustre 24, 38
Plug Plants 41, 58
Rotifers 37, 20
Sedge 47, 15
Songbirds, Breeding 46, 82
Spiders 16, 13
Spike-rush 39, 53
Swallowtail Butterfly 1, 17; 19, 11
Symphytum officinale 30, 16
Taraxacum palustre 41, 70
Utricularia vulgaris 30, 50
Vegetation monitoring 62, 3
Viola persicifolia26, 62; 42, 27
Wilbraham Fen 8, 22; 15, 16
Fens near 51, 67
Manor 7, 22
Wood 20, 8; 22, 39
Wildlife Appeal, Cambridgeshire 23, 4; 23, 7; 24, 5; 24, 59; 24, 61; 25, 16
Donors 24, 61
Report 24, 59
Thanksgiving service 25, 16
Wildlife Monitoring in a Pandemic 63, 61
Wildlife Trust, Cambridgeshire 30, 3; 35, 66
Willughby, Francis: birds 44, 13
Wimblington Gravel Pits 2, 14
Wimpole Park 21, 24; 47, 3; 48, 54; 48, 60; 51, 64
Wisbech 1, 19
Rummer's Lane 48, 33
Sewage Farm 22, 13
Wood Ditton 1, 7; 2, 15; 39, 59
Woodbury Park 7, 16
Woodland Trust 47, 42
Woods & woodland
Ancient 58, 3, 15
Cambridgeshire 41, 73
Ely Coucher Book 42, 37
Importance 47, 42
Lichen 20, 11
Medieval 11, 22
West Cambridgeshire: changes 18, 23; 55, 87
Woodwalton Fen (v.c. 31) 16, 13; 39, 22; 54, 21
Wort's Causeway 15, 5; 16, 10; 21, 15