Nature in Cambridgeshire

Published in association with the Cambridge Natural History Society
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Natural History in Cambridgeshire:
a Bibliography

This bibliography covers articles published in other journals of relevance to natural historians in Cambridgeshire. For books see the index of book reviews.
At present the bibliography covers the years 2000-2005 (published in volume 48), 2005 - 2010 (published in volume 52) and 2010 - 2015 (published in volume 58):

Aldred J & Jacobs M (2000) Citizens and wetlands: evaluating the Ely citizens' jury. Ecological Economics 34 (2): 217-232

Baker, M, Proud, A & Ross, A (2007) Are the Fens a national stronghold for Water Voles? Evidence from the Cambridgeshire fens. British Wildlife 18, 259-266.

Barrett PM & Evans SE (2002) A reassessment of the Early Cretaceous reptile 'Patricosaurus merocratus' Seeley from the Cambridge Greensand, Cambridgeshire, UK. Cretaceous Research 23 (2): 231-240

Bass J, Blackburn J & Giraudy C (2003) Range extension of the 'Witham Orb Mussel' Sphaerium solidum (Normand) (Bivalvia : Sphaeriidae) or an overlooked resident of the Great Ouse? Journal of Conchology 38: 61-65

Bateman, R.M., Rudall, P.J., Hawkins, J.A. & Sramkó, G. (2013). Himantoglossum hircinum (Lizard Orchid) reviewed in the light of new morphological and molecular observations. New Journal of Botany 3: 122–140. [Includes data and colour photos from the site on the Devil’s Ditch.]

Battle, G.M., Kyd, G.O., Groom, C.R., Allen, F.H., Day, J. & Upson, T. (2012). Up the Garden Path: A Chemical Trail through the Cambridge University Botanic Garden. Journal of Chemical Education 89 (11): 1390–1394.

Baxter, I.L. & Nussbaumer, M. (2009). Evidence of morphometric variation in an Iron Age dog cranium from Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, UK. Archaeofauna 18: 69–78.

Beecroft, RC, Cadbury, CJ & Mountford, JO (2007) Water Germander Teucrium scordium L. in Cambridgeshire: back from the brink of extinction. Watsonia 26, 303-316.

Bellamy PE, Shore RF, Ardeshir D, Treweek JR & Sparks TH (2000) Road verges as habitat for small mammals in Britain. Mammal Review 30 (2): 131-139 [North Cambridgeshire]

Bennett AF, Hinsley SA, Bellamy PE, Swetnam RD & MacNally R (2004) Do regional gradients in land-use influence richness, composition and turnover of bird assemblages in small woods? Biological Conservation 119 (2): 191-206 [Fenland in Cambridgeshire & Lincolnshire]

Blows, W.T. (2014). Notice of nodosaur (Dinosauria, Ankylosauria) remains from the mid-Cretaceous of Cambridge, England, with comments on cervical half-ring armour. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 125: 56–62.

Boreham S (2004) The structure and formation of the Wandlebury area. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 113: 5-8

Boreham, S. (2013). The geology of the Wicken Vision Area, lower Cam valley, Cambridgeshire, UK. Geologie en Mijnbouw / Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 92: 47–59.

Boreham, S. & Rolfe, U. (2009). Holocene, Weichselian Late-glacial and earlier Pleistocene deposits of the upper Cam valley at the Hinxton Genome Campus, Cambridgeshire, UK. Geologie en Mijnbouw / Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 88: 117–125.

Boreham, S, White, TS, Bridgland, DR, Howard, AJ & White, MJ (2010) The Quaternary history of the Wash fluvial network, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association [published online].

Bowley, A (2007) The Great Fen - a waterland for the future. British Wildlife 18, 415-423. [Woodwalton Fen, Holme Fen]

Bowley, A. (2013). The Great Fen – the challenges of creating a wild landscape in lowland England. British Wildlife 25: 95–102.

Briant RM, Bateman MD, Coope GR & Gibbard PL (2005) Climatic control on Quaternary fluvial sedimentology of a Fenland Basin river, England. Sedimentology 52 (6): 1397-1423 [Pode Hole Quarry, Thorney, Peterborough]

Briant, RM & Bateman, MD (2009) Luminescence dating indicates radiocarbon underestimation in Late Pleistocene fluvial deposits from eastern England. Journal of Quaternary Science 24, 916-927.

Briggs, D (2009) Plant microevolution and conservation in human-influenced ecosystems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. [examples from Cambridgeshire]

Bull, AL & Leslie, AC (2005) A hitherto undescribed bramble Rubus sect. Coryifolii (Rosaceae) of chalky boulder clay in East Anglia. Watsonia 25, 419-422. [Rubus cantabrigiensis AL Bull & AC Leslie sp. nov.]

Cadbury CJ (2002) Arable to Wetland: Restoring habitat for birds in the Cambridgeshire Fens (The Kingfishers' Bridge Wetland Creation Project) Cambridgeshire Bird Report 76: 133-152

Christie, M, Hanley, N, Warren, J, Murphy, K, Wright, R & Hyde, T (2006) Valuing diversity of biodiversity. Ecological Economics, 58, 304-317. [Cambridgeshire and Northumberland as case study areas]

Clayton KM (2000) Glacial erosion of the Wash and Fen basin and the deposition of the chalky till of eastern England. Quaternary Science Reviews 19 (8): 811-822

Cooke AS & Farrell L (2001) Impact of muntjac deer (Muntiacus reevesi) at Monks Wood National Nature Reserve, Cambridgeshire, Eastern England. Forestry 74 (3): 241-250

Coope GR (2000) Middle Devensian (Weichselian) coleopteran assemblages from Earith, Cambridgeshire (UK) and their bearing on the interpretation of 'Full glacial' floras and faunas. Journal of Quaternary Science 15 (8): 779-788

Crabtree, P.J. (2014). Animal husbandry and farming in East Anglia from the 5th to the 10th centuries CE. Quaternary International 346: 102–108.

Crick, M, Kirby, P & Langton, T (2005) Knottholes: the wildlife of Peterborough's claypits. British Wildlife 16, 413-421.

Crompton, G (2005) Catalogue of Cambridgeshire plant records since 1538. Part 3: Common and Uncommon Species (notice of availability on BSBI News 98, 56.

Croxton PJ & Sparks TH (2002) A farm-scale evaluation of the influence of hedgerow cutting frequency on hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) berry yields. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 93 (1-3): 437-439 [Knapwell, Cambs and sites in Yorks & Bucks]

Croxton PJ & Sparks TH (2004) Timing of berry depletion rates of three common hedgerow shrubs. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 104: 663-666 [Monks Wood]

Croxton PJ, Carvell C, Mountford JO & Sparks TH (2002) A comparison of green lanes and field margins as bumblebee habitat in an arable landscape. Biological Conservation 107 (3): 365-374 [Little Gidding]

Croxton PJ, Franssen W, Myhill DG & Sparks TH (2004) The restoration of neglected hedges: a comparison of management treatments. Biological Conservation 117 (1): 19-23 [Monks Wood]

Croxton PJ, Hann JP, Greatorex-Davies JN & Sparks TH (2005) Linear hotspots? The floral and butterfly diversity of green lanes. Biological Conservation 121 (4): 579-584 [10 sites in Cambridgeshire]

Damant, S & Warrington, S (2006) A flower in the desert: wildlife of the Wimpole Estate, Cambridgeshire. British Wildlife 17, 324-330.

Desjardins, S.D., Leslie, A.C., Stace, C.A., Schwarzacher, T. & Bailey, J.P. (2015). Intergeneric hybridisation between Berula erecta and Helosciadium nodiflorum (Apiaceae). Taxon 64: 784–794. [×Beruladium procurrens A.C. Leslie described from Chippenham Fen]

Dillon, IA, Morris AJ & Bailey CM (2009) Comparing the benefits to wintering birds of oil-seed rape establishment by broadcast and non-inversion tillage at Grange Farm, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation Evidence 6, 18 - 25

Dillon, IA, Morris AJ, Bailey CM & Uney G (2009) Assessing the vegetation response to differing establishment methods of 'Skylark Plots' in winter wheat at Grange Farm, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation Evidence 6, 89 - 97

Dittrich, A.D. K. & Helden, A.J. (2012). Experimental sward islets: the effect of dung and fertilisation on Hemiptera and Araneae. Insect Conservation and Diversity 5 (1): 46–56. [Stapleford]

Dobson, A, Clarke R & Clarke M (2009) Factors affecting the vulnerability of farmland birds to predation by Hen Harriers in winter. Bird Study 56: 132 [Wicken Fen]

Dolman, P, Fuller, R, Gill, R, Hooton, D & Tabor, R (2010) Escalating ecological impacts of deer in lowland woodland. British Wildlife, 21, 242-254. [Monks Wood is among the woodlands cited]

Fant JB & Preston CD (2004) Genetic structure and morphological variation of British populations of the hybrid Potamogeton x salicifolius. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 144 (1): 99-111 [Ouse Washes]

Farrell, L (2006) Derek Almey Ratcliffe (1929-2005) Watsonia 26, 101-102.[Obituary]

Farrell, L (2009) Terence (Terry) Charles Ernest Wells 1935-2008. Watsonia 27, 277-279. [Obituary]

Farrell, L. (2012). Military and Lizard Orchid information. BSBI News 120: 62. [Notes, photos etc. deposited with CEH at Wallingford]

Field R, Deane A, Watkins G & Waring P (2003) Buttoned Snout Hypena rostralis (Linn.): the hunt for wild larvae during the summer of 2002 in Essex and Cambridgeshire. Atropos 20: 11-14

Field, RG & Waring, P (2006) A survey and ecological study of the Square-spotted Clay Xestia rhomboidea (Esper.) in Cambridgeshire and Essex with additional results from Scotland and Wales. The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 118 (2), 57-65

French, C. (2009). Hydrological monitoring of an alluviated landscape in the lower Great Ouse valley at Over, Cambridgeshire: the quarry restoration phase. Environmental Archaeology 14: 62–75.

Gallardo, B., Paz E.M. & Aldridge, D.C. (2012). Application of bioclimatic models coupled with network analysis for risk assessment of the killer shrimp, Dikerogammarus villosus, in Great Britain. Biological Invasions 14 (6): 1265–1278. [Great Ouse River Catchment, Ouse Washes and Wicken Fen]

Gao, C. & Boreham, S. (2011). Ipswichian (Eemian) floodplain deposits and terrace stratigraphy in the lower Great Ouse and Cam valleys, southern England, UK. Boreas 40: 303–319. [Exceptionally long pollen sequence at Mannings Farm near Willingham]

Gao CH, Keen DH, Boreham S, Coope GR, Pettit ME, Stuart AJ & Gibbard PL (2000) Last interglacial and Devensian deposits of the River Great Ouse at Woolpack Farm, Fenstanton, Cambridgeshire, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews 19 (8): 787-810

Garbutt RA & Sparks TH (2002) Changes in the botanical diversity of a species rich ancient hedgerow between two surveys (1971-1998) Biological Conservation 106 (2): 273-278 [Judith's Hedge, Monks Wood]

Gardiner, C & Sparks, T (eds) (2005) Ten years of change: woodland research at Monks Wood NNR, 1993-2003. Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary symposium, December 2003. English Nature Research Report 613, 189 pages.

Introduction: Monks Wood National Nature Reserve - the first 50 years
  Chris Gardiner and Tim Sparks
Monks Wood - The beginnings
  John Sheail
The drunken tractor driver: changes in management and public access at Monks Wood NNR 1993-2003
  Chris Gardiner
Monks Wood NNR - vegetation studies 1993 - 2003
  Keith Kirby
Mapping the species composition and structure of Monks Wood using airborne spectral reflectance and LiDAR data
  Ross A. Hill and Andrew Thomson
Forty years of Monks Wood weather recording: are things hotting up?
  Liz Heywood
An extra 10 acres? Botanical research in the Monks Wood Wilderness
  Kevin J. Walker
Monks Wood NNR and its neighbours: a comparison with local woods
  Tim Sparks, Floor van Gaasbeek, Dennis Waasdorp and Johanna Willi
Muntjac deer Muntiacus reevesi in Monks Wood NNR: their management and changing impact
  Arnold S. Cooke
The Monks Wood avifauna
  Shelley A. Hinsley, Paul E. Bellamy and Ian Wyllie
Updates on the Monks Wood fauna
  Henry Arnold.
Changes in the Lepidoptera of Monks Wood NNR (1974-2003)
  Nick Greatorex-Davies, Tim Sparks and Ian Woiwod
Monks Wood Coleoptera - an update: 1973-2003
  R. Colin Welch
Rare plants in Monks Wood NNR 1993-2003
  Dave Hughes
Ferns and flowering plants
  Kevin J. Walker
Bryophytes of Monks Wood
  Chris Preston and Kevin J. Walker
The fungi of Monks Wood NNR 1973-2003
  Sheila Wells
Monks Wood NNR: a bibliography, 1993-2003
  Chris Gardiner


Gent, G. & Wilson, R. (2012). The Flora of Northamptonshire and the Soke of Peterborough. Robert Wilson Designs, Rothwell.

Gould, PJL (2009) The Orange Moth Angerona prunaria Linn. (Lep.: Geometridae) in Monks Wood, Huntingdonshire, VC31. The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 121 (6), 255-256

Gould, PJL & Dickerson, B (2009) The Square-spotted Clay Xestia rhomboidae (Esp.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Huntingdonshire (VC 31) The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 121 (3), 150-151

Gulickx, MMC, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Creation of a 'water pathway' for otters Lutra lutra, under an electric fence at Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation Evidence 4, 28 - 29

Gulickx, MMC, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Controlling invasive willow Salix spp. on wet grassland by grazing with Hebridean sheep, Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation Evidence 4, 33 - 34

Gulickx, MMC, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Creating a bat hibernaculum at Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation Evidence 4, 41 - 42

Gulickx, MMC, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Introduction of water buffalo Bubalus bubalis to recently created wetlands at Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation Evidence 4, 43 - 44

Gulickx, MMC, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Recovery of sections of river bank using willow Salix barriers along the River Cam at Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation Evidence 4, 45 - 48

Gulickx, MMC, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Creation of artificial sand martin Riparia riparia burrows at Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation Evidence 4, 51 - 53

Gulickx, MMC, Kemp, JB, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Provision of nest cages to reduce predation of little ringed plovers Charadrius dubius at Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation Evidence 4, 49 - 50

Gurney, M, Preston, CD, Barrett, J & Briggs, D (2007) Hybridisation between Oxlip Primula elatior (L.) Hill and Primrose P. vulgaris Hudson, and the identification of their variable hybrid P. x digenea A. Kerner. Watsonia 26, 239-251. [Buff Wood, Hayley Wood]

Hall, R, Ware, R, Michie, LJ, Brown, P & Majerus, M (2009) First occurrence of Rhyzobius chrysomeloides (Herbst) (Col.: Coccinellidae) in Cambridgeshire. The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 121 (2), 78

Harrison, N.M. and Whitehouse, M.J. (2012). Drivers of songbird productivity at a restored gravel pit: Influence of seasonal flooding and rainfall patterns and implications for habitat management. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 162: 138–143. [Cow Lane Nature Reserve]

Heaton THE, Trick JK & Williams GM (2005) Isotope and dissolved gas evidence for nitrogen attenuation in landfill leachate dispersing into a chalk aquifer. Applied Geochemistry 20 (5): 933-945 [Thriplow, Cambridgeshire]

Hernandes, F.A. (2013). Revision of Nathan Banks' type specimens of Bdellidae Dugès (Acari: Trombidiformes) of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge. International Journal of Acarology 39: 58–66.

Higgott, JB (2006) Emmelina argoteles (Meyrick, 1922) (Lep: Pterophoridae) - a newly recognised British Plume Moth. The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 118 (5), 195-197 [Wicken Fen]

Hoare, P.G. (2015). Arthritic, scavenged and largely abandoned: the curious tale of a giant pliosaur from the Kimmeridge Clay at Stretham, Cambridgeshire, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 126 (3): 381–389.

Hodgetts, NG, Preston, CD & Stevenson, CR (2006) Antitrichia curtipendula in a Cambridgeshire orchard. Field Bryology 89, 8-10.

Hughes, F.M.R., Stroh, P.A., Adams, W.A. Kirby, K., Mountford, J.O. & Warrington, S. (2011). Monitoring and evaluating large-scale, open-ended habitat creation projects: a journey rather than a destination. Journal for Nature Conservation 19 (4): 245–253. [Wicken Fen]

James, T.J. (2010). Roadside halophytes, including Parapholis incurva & P. strigosa, on trunk roads in Herts. (v.c. 20) and Cambs. (v.c. 29). BSBI News 115: 45–46.

Langford HE (2002) Middle to Late Pleistocene deposits at Whittlesey, eastern England. Quaternary Newsletter 97: 46-49

Langford HE (2004) Middle Pleistocene deposits at Stanground (Peterborough) and March, eastern England: a discussion based on new evidence. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 115: 91-95

Langford, H.E., Boreham, S., Briant, R.M., Coope, G.R., Horne, D.J., Schreve, D.C., Whittaker, J.E. & Whitehouse, N.J. (2014). Middle to Late Pleistocene palaeoecological reconstructions and palaeotemperature estimates for cold/cool stage deposits at Whittlesey, eastern England. Quaternary International 341: 6–26.

Langford HE & Briant, RM (eds.) (2004) Nene Valley. Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association. 212 pp.

Leslie, AC (2010) Fraxinus ornus (Manna Ash) in Cambridgeshire (v.c.29) BSBI News 113, 59-60.

Mackenzie, J.A., Hinsley S.A. & Harrison N.M. (2014). Parid foraging choices in urban habitat and their consequences for fitness. Ibis 156 (3): 591–605. [Cambridge Botanic Garden]

Marren, P (2008) Darwin's war-horse: beetle-collecting in 19th-century England. British Wildlife 19, 153-159. [Charles Darwin's undergraduate days at Cambridge]

Martay, B., Hughes, F. & Doberski, J. (2012). A comparison of created and ancient fenland using ground beetles as a measure of conservation value. Insect Conservation and Diversity 5 (4): 251–263. [Wicken Fen]

Martin LA & Pullin AS (2004) Host-plant specialisation and habitat restriction in an endangered insect, Lycaena dispar batavus (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae) I. Larval feeding and oviposition preferences. European Journal of Entomology 101 (1): 51-56 [Woodwalton Fen and other sites]

Martin LA & Pullin AS (2004) Host-plant specialisation and habitat restriction in an endangered insect, Lycaena dispar batavus (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae) II. Larval survival on alternative host plants in the field. European Journal of Entomology 101 (1): 57-62 [Woodwalton Fen and other sites]

Milsom TP, Sherwood AJ, Rose SC, Town SJ & Runham SR (2004) Dynamics and management of plant communities in ditches bordering arable fenland in eastern England. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 103 (1): 85-99 [Mepal Fen]

Morris J, Gowing DJG, Mills J & Dunderdale JAL (2000) Reconciling agricultural economic and environmental objectives: the case of recreating wetlands in the fenland area of eastern England. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 79: 245-257

Moore NW (2001) Changes in the dragonfly communities at the twenty ponds at Woodwalton Fen, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, since the study of 1962-1988. Odonatologica 30 (3): 289-298

Mountford, JO, Way, JM, Sparks, TH & Stott, IPH (2005) Grassland vegetation and management of the Green, Hilton, Cambridgeshire. The Hilton Wildlife Conservation Group, Hilton.

Nelson, E.C. (2016). Notes from Wisbech and Fenland Museum: Mrs Doyle’s Dublin shells. Archives of Natural History 43: 171–173.

Noe LF, Smith DTJ & Walton DI (2004) A new species of Kimmeridgian pliosaur (Reptilia; Sauropterygia) and its bearing on the nomenclature of Liopleurodon macromerus. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 115: 13-24 [Kimmeridge Clay near Ely]

Oswald PH (2000) Historical records of Lactuca serriola L. and L. virosa L. in Britain, with special reference to Cambridgeshire (v.c. 29) Watsonia 23: 149-159

Oswald PH (2006) Anemanthele lessoniana ('Stipa arundinacea') in Cambridge. BSBI News 102, 50 [photo]

Oswald PH (2007) Lettuces don't read the Floras! BSBI News 106, 7-8 and 2-3 of colour section. [Lactuca virosa, L. serriola and L. saligna in Cambridge]

Oswald, P.H. (2011). Purple Toothwort on Gunnera again. BSBI News 118: 44 and 6 colour photos. [Lathraea clandestina and Gunnera manicata in Cambridge Botanic Garden]

Page, K.N., Wright, J.K. & Kelly, S.R.A. (2015). The oppeliid, perisphinctid and aspidoceratid ammonite faunas of the ‘Corallian’ Beds (Upper Jurassic) in Cambridgeshire, England. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 60 (3): 178–203.

Pankhurst, T (2007) 25th June - Holme Fen and Darlows Farm (Field Meeting reports - 2006) BSBI News 105, 38.

Payne, R.M. (2002). The Flora of Ely. Privately published.

Peh, K.S.-H., Balmford, A., Field, R.H., Lamb, A., Birch, J.C., Bradbury, R.B., Brown, C., Butchart, S.H.M., Lester, M., Morrison, R., Sedgwick, I., Soans, C., Stattersfield, A.J., Stroh, P.A., Swetnam, R.D., Thomas, D.H.L., Walpole, M., Warrington, S. & Hughes, F.M.R. (2014). Benefits and costs of ecological restoration: Rapid assessment of changing ecosystem service values at a UK wetland. Ecology and Evolution 4 (20): 3875–3886.

Perry, I (2008) A further record of Opesia grandis (Egger, 1860) (Diptera, Tachinidae) from Cambridgeshire. Dipterists Digest SS 15(1), 4

Preston CD (2000) Engulfed by suburbia or destroyed by the plough: the ecology of extinction in Middlesex and Cambridgeshire. Watsonia 23: 59-81

Preston CD (2007) Robert Alan Finch B.A., D.Phil. (1939-2006) Journal of Bryology 29, 143-145. [Obituary]

Preston CD (2007) Robert Alan Finch 1939-2006. Watsonia 26, 513-514. [Obituary]

Preston CD (2008) The Cambridgeshire Group 70th anniversary excursion. Field Bryology 96, 58-59.

Preston CD (2010) The first British records of Potamogeton compressus L. and P. friesii Rupr. Watsonia 28, 82-84. [John Ray's (1660) Catalogus plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium]

Preston, C.D. (2013). Reconstructing the history of Cambridgeshire’s wild plants: the importance of annotated floras. Bulletin of the Friends of Cambridge University Library 33–34: 10–15 and Plates 1 & 2.

Preston CD & Oswald PH (2006) Franklin Hugh Perring (1927-2003) Watsonia 26, 197-207. [Obituary]

Preston, C.D. & Oswald, P.H. (2012). A copy of John Ray’s Cambridge catalogue (1660) presented by the author to Peter Courthope. Archives of Natural History 39: 342–344.

Preston, C.D. & Oswald, P.H. (2012). Britain’s first county flora: John Ray’s Cambridge catalogue of 1660. British Wildlife 23: 159–165.

Preston CD, Sheail J, Armitage P & Davy-Bowker J (2003) The long-term impact of urbanisation on aquatic plants: Cambridge and the River Cam. Science of the Total Environment 314: 67-87

Raven, C. & Raven, J. (2012). Wild Flowers: a sketchbook. Edited by H.J. Noltie. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. [Text written mainly in 1942–1945, illustrated by watercolours by Charles Raven, Master of Christ’s College and Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, and his son John, Fellow of King’s College; Chapter 3 entitled ‘Among the East Angles: Cambridge, Ely and the Breck’]

Reid, J (2008) Raspberry Clearwing moth Pennisetia hylaeiformis (Laspeyres, 1801) (Lep.: Sesiidae) in South Cambridgeshire and North Hertfordshire. The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 120 (5), 165-170

Ringwood, Z, Roscoe, A & Higgott, J (2009) Habitat & conservation requirements of the newly-recognised British Plume moth Emmelina argoteles. Journal of Entomology & Natural History 22 (3), 195-204 [Wicken Fen]

Rippon, S. (2013). Life and Afterlife at Duxford, Cambridgeshire: Archaeology and History in a Chalkland Community. Medieval Archaeology 57: 354–354.

Robinson H, Carville M & Walsh T (2003) Advanced leachate treatment at Buckden landfill, Huntingdon, UK. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science 2 (4): 255-264

Rochlitz I (2003) Study of factors that may predispose domestic cats to road traffic accidents: part 1. Veterinary Record 153 (18): 549-557

Rochlitz I (2003) Study of factors that may predispose domestic cats to road traffic accidents: part 2. Veterinary Record 153 (19): 585-588

Rochlitz I (2004) Clinical study of cats injured and killed in road traffic accidents in Cambridgeshire. Journal of Small Animal Practice 45 (8): 390-394

Sapoznik, A. (2013). Resource allocation and peasant decision making: Oakington, Cambridgeshire, 1360–99. Agricultural History Review 61 (2): 187–205.

Sapoznik, A. (2013). The productivity of peasant agriculture: Oakington, Cambridgeshire, 1360–99. Economic History Review 66 (2); 518–544.

Sell, P[D] (2007) Introduced 'look-alikes' and other difficult introduced plants in our Cambridgeshire flora. BSBI News 105, 24-30.

Sell, P[D] (2007) Stuart Max Walters (1920-2005) Watsonia 26, 215-227 and colour photo. [Obituary and bibliography]

Shanklin, J. (2013). Cambridge Botanic Garden, Coe Fen and Sheep’s Green (v.c. 29), 4th August. BSBI Yearbook 2013; 79–80. [Field Meeting Report: 2012]

Shanklin, J & Leslie, A[C] (2009) Melica altissima found in Cambridgeshire (v.c. 29) BSBI News 111, 38.

Simons E (2005) Quantifying the unquantifiable: Ecohydrology on the ouse washes. Water and Environment Journal 19 (3): 272-279

Snaddon, JL & Turner, EC (2007) A child's eye view of the insect world: perceptions of insect diversity. Environmental Conservation 34, 1, 33-35 [Event at Cambridge University Museum of Zoology]

Sparks, TH & Croxton, PJ (2007) The influence of timing and frequency of hedgerow cutting on hawthorn flowering and berry yields: preliminary results. Aspects of Applied Biology, 82, 103-106. [Monks Wood]

Sparks, TH, Hulme, S & Burgess, MD (2007) The unenclosure: effects of enclosure removal on muntjac damage to ground flora. Aspects of Applied Biology, 82, 117-121. [Monks Wood]

Sparks, TH & Löbel, S (2007) Early successional changes in an English wilderness woodland site. Aspects of Applied Biology, 82, 77-81. [Monks Wood]

Sparks, T, Tryjanowski, P, Cooke, A, Crick, H & Kuzniak, S (2007) Vertebrate phenology at similar latitudes: temperature responses differ between Poland and the United Kingdom. Climate Research, 34, 93-98. [Huntingdonshire & Ramsey]

Stacey DA & Fellowes MDE (2002) Temperature and the development rates of thrips: Evidence for a constraint on local adaptation? European Journal of Entomology 99 (3): 399-404 [Boxworth]

Stevenson, [C]R & Rowntree, J (2009) Bryophytes in East Anglian orchards. Field Bryology 99: 10-18.

Stevenson, CR & Hill, MO (2008) Urban myths exploded: results of a bryological survey of King's Lynn (Norfolk, UK) Journal of Bryology 30 (1): 12-22. [Compares King's Lynn with N. and S. Cambs.]

Stoddard, M.C. & Kilner, R.M. (2013). The past, present and future of 'cuckoos versus reed warblers'. Animal Behaviour 85 (4): 693–699. [Wicken Fen]

Stroh, P. (2011). Alopecurus aequalis at the Great Fen, Huntingdonshire. BSBI News 116: 5–8.

Stroh, P.A., Hughes, F.M.R., Sparks, T.H. & Mountford, J.O. (2012). The influence of time on the soil seed bank and vegetation across a landscape-scale wetland restoration project. Restoration Ecology 20: 103–112. [Wicken Fen]

Stroh, P.A., Mountford, J.O. & Hughes, F.M.R. (2012). The potential for endozoochorous dispersal of temperate fen plant species by free-roaming horses. Applied Vegetation Science 15 (3): 359–368. [Wicken Fen]

Stroh, P.A., Mountford, J.O., Araya, Y.N. & Hughes, F.M.R. (2013). Quantifying soil hydrology to explain the development of vegetation at an ex-arable wetland restoration site. Wetlands 33 (2): 311–320. [Wicken Fen]

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Thomas, G. (2012). Iron Age and Middle Saxon Settlements at West Fen Road, Ely, Cambridgeshire: The Consortium Site. Medieval Archaeology 56: 375–376.

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Thorogood, R. & Davies, N.B. (2013). Reed warbler hosts fine-tune their defenses to track three decades of cuckoo decline. Evolution 67 (12): 3545–3555. [Wicken Fen]

Walker, K. & Pinches, C. (2012). Too steep for the plough? The history of the Pasqueflower in Britain. British Wildlife 23: 240–249. [Sites in Cambridgeshire]

Waring P (2000) Parasitoid Meteorus gyrator (Thunb.) (Hym.: Braconidae: Meteorinae) reared from larva of the White-spotted Pinion moth Cosmia diffinis (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Cambridgeshire. Entomologists' Record & Journal of Variation 113: 135-138

Waring P (2002) White-spotted Pinion moth Cosmia diffinis (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae): Beating for larvae and light-trapping for adults in Huntingdonshire in 2000. Entomologists' Record & Journal of Variation 114: 84-88

Waring P (2003) Parasitoids Homolobus annulicornis (Nees) (Hym.: Braconidae) and Eumea linearcornis (Zetterstedt) (Dipt.: Tachinidae) reared from larva of the White-spotted Pinion moth Cosmia diffinis (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Cambridgeshire in 2002, with notes on habitat of the host. Entomologists' Record & Journal of Variation 115: 123-126

Waring P (2005) Red-tipped Clearwing Synanthedon formicaeformis (Esp.) (Lep.: Sesiidae) rediscovered at Borough Fen Decoy, Northamptonshire, with nearby records from Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire. The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 117 (6), 273-275

Waring P (2008) Old Lady moths Mormo maura (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae): Record numbers in light-traps at Peterborough. The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 120 (1), 15-17

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Wells, T, Massey, M, Bowley, A & Walker, K (2007) 24th June - Woodwalton Fen (Field Meeting reports - 2006) BSBI News 105, 36-37

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West RG, Burton RGO, Andrew R & Pettit ME (2002) Evolution of a periglacial landscape in the Late Devensian: environments and palaeobotany of the Mepal area, Cambridgeshire, England. Journal of Quaternary Science 17 (1): 31-50

Whitehouse, M.J., Harrison, N.M., Mackenzie, J. & Hinsley, S.A. (2013). Preferred habitat of breeding birds may be compromised by climate change: unexpected effects of an exceptionally cold, wet spring. PLoS One (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0075536). [Sites in Cambridgeshire]

Wiggins D (2000) The Presidential Address: Nature, Respect for Nature, and the Human Scale of Values. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 100 (1): 1-32 [uses many examples from Cambridgeshire]

Willi, JC, Mountford, JO & Sparks, TH (2005) The modification of ancient woodland ground flora at arable edges. Biodiversity and Conservation, 14, 3215-3233. [Ancient woodland in Cambridgeshire]

Wittering, S. (2013). Ecology and enclosure: the effect of enclosure on society, farming and the environment in South Cambridgeshire, 1798–1850. Windgather Press, Oxford.

Wright JK, Kelly SRA & Page KN (2000) The stratigraphy of the 'Corallian' facies Middle Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) deposits at Upware, Cambridgeshire, England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 111: 97-110

Xiong SJ, Johansson ME, Hughes FMR, Hayes A, Richards KS & Nilsson C (2003) Interactive effects of soil moisture, vegetation canopy, plant litter and seed addition on plant diversity in a wetland community. Journal of Ecology 91 (6): 976-986 [Wicken Fen]




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