Nature in CambridgeshirePublished in association with the Cambridge Natural History Society |
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Natural History in Cambridgeshire:
Introduction: Monks Wood National Nature Reserve - the first 50
years Chris Gardiner and Tim Sparks |
9 |
Monks Wood - The beginnings John Sheail |
10 |
The drunken tractor driver: changes in management and public access
at Monks Wood NNR 1993-2003 Chris Gardiner |
15 |
Monks Wood NNR - vegetation studies 1993 - 2003 Keith Kirby |
27 |
Mapping the species composition and structure of Monks Wood using
airborne spectral reflectance and LiDAR data Ross A. Hill and Andrew Thomson |
34 |
Forty years of Monks Wood weather recording: are things hotting
up? Liz Heywood |
44 |
An extra 10 acres? Botanical research in the Monks Wood Wilderness
Kevin J. Walker |
48 |
Monks Wood NNR and its neighbours: a comparison with local woods
Tim Sparks, Floor van Gaasbeek, Dennis Waasdorp and Johanna Willi |
59 |
Muntjac deer Muntiacus reevesi in Monks Wood NNR: their management
and changing impact Arnold S. Cooke |
65 |
The Monks Wood avifauna Shelley A. Hinsley, Paul E. Bellamy and Ian Wyllie |
75 |
Updates on the Monks Wood fauna Henry Arnold. |
86 |
Changes in the Lepidoptera of Monks Wood NNR (1974-2003) Nick Greatorex-Davies, Tim Sparks and Ian Woiwod |
90 |
Monks Wood Coleoptera - an update: 1973-2003 R. Colin Welch |
111 |
Rare plants in Monks Wood NNR 1993-2003 Dave Hughes |
128 |
Ferns and flowering plants Kevin J. Walker |
133 |
Bryophytes of Monks Wood Chris Preston and Kevin J. Walker |
146 |
The fungi of Monks Wood NNR 1973-2003 Sheila Wells |
157 |
Monks Wood NNR: a bibliography, 1993-2003 Chris Gardiner |
167 |
Gent, G. & Wilson, R. (2012). The Flora of Northamptonshire and the Soke of Peterborough. Robert Wilson Designs, Rothwell.
Gould, PJL (2009) The Orange Moth Angerona prunaria Linn.
(Lep.: Geometridae) in Monks Wood, Huntingdonshire, VC31. The Entomologist's
Record and Journal of Variation, 121 (6), 255-256
Gould, PJL & Dickerson, B (2009) The Square-spotted Clay Xestia
rhomboidae (Esp.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Huntingdonshire (VC 31) The
Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 121 (3), 150-151
Gulickx, MMC, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Creation of a
'water pathway' for otters Lutra lutra, under an electric fence
at Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation Evidence
4, 28 - 29
Gulickx, MMC, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Controlling invasive
willow Salix spp. on wet grassland by grazing with Hebridean sheep,
Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation Evidence
4, 33 - 34
Gulickx, MMC, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Creating a bat
hibernaculum at Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation
Evidence 4, 41 - 42
Gulickx, MMC, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Introduction
of water buffalo Bubalus bubalis to recently created wetlands at
Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation Evidence
4, 43 - 44
Gulickx, MMC, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Recovery of sections
of river bank using willow Salix barriers along the River Cam at
Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation Evidence
4, 45 - 48
Gulickx, MMC, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Creation of artificial
sand martin Riparia riparia burrows at Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire,
England. Conservation Evidence 4, 51 - 53
Gulickx, MMC, Kemp, JB, Beecroft, RC & Green AC (2007) Provision
of nest cages to reduce predation of little ringed plovers Charadrius
dubius at Kingfishers Bridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Conservation
Evidence 4, 49 - 50
Gurney, M, Preston, CD, Barrett, J & Briggs, D (2007) Hybridisation between Oxlip Primula elatior (L.) Hill and Primrose P. vulgaris Hudson, and the identification of their variable hybrid P. x digenea A. Kerner. Watsonia 26, 239-251. [Buff Wood, Hayley Wood]
Hall, R, Ware, R, Michie, LJ, Brown, P & Majerus, M (2009) First occurrence of Rhyzobius chrysomeloides (Herbst) (Col.: Coccinellidae) in Cambridgeshire. The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 121 (2), 78
Harrison, N.M. and Whitehouse, M.J. (2012). Drivers of songbird
productivity at a restored gravel pit: Influence of seasonal flooding
and rainfall patterns and implications for habitat management. Agriculture,
Ecosystems and Environment 162: 138–143. [Cow Lane Nature Reserve]
Heaton THE, Trick JK & Williams GM (2005) Isotope and dissolved gas evidence for nitrogen attenuation in landfill leachate dispersing into a chalk aquifer. Applied Geochemistry 20 (5): 933-945 [Thriplow, Cambridgeshire]
Hernandes, F.A. (2013). Revision of Nathan Banks' type specimens of Bdellidae Dugès (Acari: Trombidiformes) of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge. International Journal of Acarology 39: 58–66.
Higgott, JB (2006) Emmelina argoteles (Meyrick, 1922) (Lep: Pterophoridae) - a newly recognised British Plume Moth. The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 118 (5), 195-197 [Wicken Fen]
Hoare, P.G. (2015). Arthritic, scavenged and largely abandoned:
the curious tale of a giant pliosaur from the Kimmeridge Clay at Stretham,
Cambridgeshire, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association
126 (3): 381–389.
Hodgetts, NG, Preston, CD & Stevenson, CR (2006) Antitrichia curtipendula in a Cambridgeshire orchard. Field Bryology 89, 8-10.
Hughes, F.M.R., Stroh, P.A., Adams, W.A. Kirby, K., Mountford, J.O. & Warrington, S. (2011). Monitoring and evaluating large-scale, open-ended habitat creation projects: a journey rather than a destination. Journal for Nature Conservation 19 (4): 245–253. [Wicken Fen]
James, T.J. (2010). Roadside halophytes, including Parapholis
incurva & P. strigosa, on trunk roads in Herts. (v.c. 20)
and Cambs. (v.c. 29). BSBI News 115: 45–46.
Langford HE (2002) Middle to Late Pleistocene deposits at Whittlesey, eastern England. Quaternary Newsletter 97: 46-49
Langford HE (2004) Middle Pleistocene deposits at Stanground (Peterborough) and March, eastern England: a discussion based on new evidence. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 115: 91-95
Langford, H.E., Boreham, S., Briant, R.M., Coope, G.R., Horne, D.J., Schreve, D.C., Whittaker, J.E. & Whitehouse, N.J. (2014). Middle to Late Pleistocene palaeoecological reconstructions and palaeotemperature estimates for cold/cool stage deposits at Whittlesey, eastern England. Quaternary International 341: 6–26.
Langford HE & Briant, RM (eds.) (2004) Nene Valley. Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association. 212 pp.
Leslie, AC (2010) Fraxinus ornus (Manna Ash) in Cambridgeshire (v.c.29) BSBI News 113, 59-60.
Mackenzie, J.A., Hinsley S.A. & Harrison N.M. (2014). Parid foraging choices in urban habitat and their consequences for fitness. Ibis 156 (3): 591–605. [Cambridge Botanic Garden]
Marren, P (2008) Darwin's war-horse: beetle-collecting in 19th-century England. British Wildlife 19, 153-159. [Charles Darwin's undergraduate days at Cambridge]
Martay, B., Hughes, F. & Doberski, J. (2012). A comparison of created and ancient fenland using ground beetles as a measure of conservation value. Insect Conservation and Diversity 5 (4): 251–263. [Wicken Fen]
Martin LA & Pullin AS (2004) Host-plant specialisation and habitat restriction in an endangered insect, Lycaena dispar batavus (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae) I. Larval feeding and oviposition preferences. European Journal of Entomology 101 (1): 51-56 [Woodwalton Fen and other sites]
Martin LA & Pullin AS (2004) Host-plant specialisation and habitat restriction in an endangered insect, Lycaena dispar batavus (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae) II. Larval survival on alternative host plants in the field. European Journal of Entomology 101 (1): 57-62 [Woodwalton Fen and other sites]
Milsom TP, Sherwood AJ, Rose SC, Town SJ & Runham SR (2004) Dynamics and management of plant communities in ditches bordering arable fenland in eastern England. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 103 (1): 85-99 [Mepal Fen]
Morris J, Gowing DJG, Mills J & Dunderdale JAL (2000) Reconciling agricultural economic and environmental objectives: the case of recreating wetlands in the fenland area of eastern England. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 79: 245-257
Moore NW (2001) Changes in the dragonfly communities at the twenty ponds at Woodwalton Fen, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, since the study of 1962-1988. Odonatologica 30 (3): 289-298
Mountford, JO, Way, JM, Sparks, TH & Stott, IPH (2005) Grassland vegetation and management of the Green, Hilton, Cambridgeshire. The Hilton Wildlife Conservation Group, Hilton.
Nelson, E.C. (2016). Notes from Wisbech and Fenland Museum: Mrs Doyle’s Dublin shells. Archives of Natural History 43: 171–173.
Noe LF, Smith DTJ & Walton DI (2004) A new species of Kimmeridgian pliosaur (Reptilia; Sauropterygia) and its bearing on the nomenclature of Liopleurodon macromerus. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 115: 13-24 [Kimmeridge Clay near Ely]
Oswald PH (2000) Historical records of Lactuca serriola L. and L. virosa L. in Britain, with special reference to Cambridgeshire (v.c. 29) Watsonia 23: 149-159
Oswald PH (2006) Anemanthele lessoniana ('Stipa arundinacea')
in Cambridge. BSBI News 102, 50 [photo]
Oswald PH (2007) Lettuces don't read the Floras! BSBI News 106, 7-8 and 2-3 of colour section. [Lactuca virosa, L. serriola and L. saligna in Cambridge]
Oswald, P.H. (2011). Purple Toothwort on Gunnera again. BSBI News 118: 44 and 6 colour photos. [Lathraea clandestina and Gunnera manicata in Cambridge Botanic Garden]
Page, K.N., Wright, J.K. & Kelly, S.R.A. (2015). The oppeliid, perisphinctid and aspidoceratid ammonite faunas of the ‘Corallian’ Beds (Upper Jurassic) in Cambridgeshire, England. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 60 (3): 178–203.
Pankhurst, T (2007) 25th June - Holme Fen and Darlows Farm (Field Meeting reports - 2006) BSBI News 105, 38.
Payne, R.M. (2002). The Flora of Ely. Privately published.
Peh, K.S.-H., Balmford, A., Field, R.H., Lamb, A., Birch, J.C., Bradbury,
R.B., Brown, C., Butchart, S.H.M., Lester, M., Morrison, R., Sedgwick,
I., Soans, C., Stattersfield, A.J., Stroh, P.A., Swetnam, R.D., Thomas,
D.H.L., Walpole, M., Warrington, S. & Hughes, F.M.R. (2014). Benefits
and costs of ecological restoration: Rapid assessment of changing ecosystem
service values at a UK wetland. Ecology and Evolution 4
(20): 3875–3886.
Perry, I (2008) A further record of Opesia grandis (Egger, 1860) (Diptera, Tachinidae) from Cambridgeshire. Dipterists Digest SS 15(1), 4
Preston CD (2000) Engulfed by suburbia or destroyed by the plough: the ecology of extinction in Middlesex and Cambridgeshire. Watsonia 23: 59-81
Preston CD (2007) Robert Alan Finch B.A., D.Phil. (1939-2006)
Journal of Bryology 29, 143-145. [Obituary]
Preston CD (2007) Robert Alan Finch 1939-2006. Watsonia 26,
513-514. [Obituary]
Preston CD (2008) The Cambridgeshire Group 70th anniversary excursion.
Field Bryology 96, 58-59.
Preston CD (2010) The first British records of Potamogeton compressus L. and P. friesii Rupr. Watsonia 28, 82-84. [John Ray's (1660) Catalogus plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium]
Preston, C.D. (2013). Reconstructing the history of Cambridgeshire’s wild plants: the importance of annotated floras. Bulletin of the Friends of Cambridge University Library 33–34: 10–15 and Plates 1 & 2.
Preston CD & Oswald PH (2006) Franklin Hugh Perring (1927-2003) Watsonia 26, 197-207. [Obituary]
Preston, C.D. & Oswald, P.H. (2012). A copy of John Ray’s Cambridge catalogue (1660) presented by the author to Peter Courthope. Archives of Natural History 39: 342–344.
Preston, C.D. & Oswald, P.H. (2012). Britain’s first county flora: John Ray’s Cambridge catalogue of 1660. British Wildlife 23: 159–165.
Preston CD, Sheail J, Armitage P & Davy-Bowker J (2003) The long-term impact of urbanisation on aquatic plants: Cambridge and the River Cam. Science of the Total Environment 314: 67-87
Raven, C. & Raven, J. (2012). Wild Flowers: a sketchbook. Edited by H.J. Noltie. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. [Text written mainly in 1942–1945, illustrated by watercolours by Charles Raven, Master of Christ’s College and Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, and his son John, Fellow of King’s College; Chapter 3 entitled ‘Among the East Angles: Cambridge, Ely and the Breck’]
Reid, J (2008) Raspberry Clearwing moth Pennisetia hylaeiformis
(Laspeyres, 1801) (Lep.: Sesiidae) in South Cambridgeshire and North Hertfordshire.
The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 120 (5), 165-170
Ringwood, Z, Roscoe, A & Higgott, J (2009) Habitat & conservation requirements of the newly-recognised British Plume moth Emmelina argoteles. Journal of Entomology & Natural History 22 (3), 195-204 [Wicken Fen]
Rippon, S. (2013). Life and Afterlife at Duxford, Cambridgeshire:
Archaeology and History in a Chalkland Community. Medieval Archaeology
57: 354–354.
Robinson H, Carville M & Walsh T (2003) Advanced leachate treatment at Buckden landfill, Huntingdon, UK. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science 2 (4): 255-264
Rochlitz I (2003) Study of factors that may predispose domestic cats to road traffic accidents: part 1. Veterinary Record 153 (18): 549-557
Rochlitz I (2003) Study of factors that may predispose domestic cats to road traffic accidents: part 2. Veterinary Record 153 (19): 585-588
Rochlitz I (2004) Clinical study of cats injured and killed in road traffic accidents in Cambridgeshire. Journal of Small Animal Practice 45 (8): 390-394
Sapoznik, A. (2013). Resource allocation and peasant decision making: Oakington, Cambridgeshire, 1360–99. Agricultural History Review 61 (2): 187–205.
Sapoznik, A. (2013). The productivity of peasant agriculture: Oakington, Cambridgeshire, 1360–99. Economic History Review 66 (2); 518–544.
Sell, P[D] (2007) Introduced 'look-alikes' and other difficult
introduced plants in our Cambridgeshire flora. BSBI News 105, 24-30.
Sell, P[D] (2007) Stuart Max Walters (1920-2005) Watsonia 26, 215-227 and colour photo. [Obituary and bibliography]
Shanklin, J. (2013). Cambridge Botanic Garden, Coe Fen and Sheep’s
Green (v.c. 29), 4th August. BSBI Yearbook 2013;
79–80. [Field Meeting Report: 2012]
Shanklin, J & Leslie, A[C] (2009) Melica altissima
found in Cambridgeshire (v.c. 29) BSBI News 111, 38.
Simons E (2005) Quantifying the unquantifiable: Ecohydrology on the ouse washes. Water and Environment Journal 19 (3): 272-279
Snaddon, JL & Turner, EC (2007) A child's eye view of the
insect world: perceptions of insect diversity. Environmental Conservation
34, 1, 33-35 [Event at Cambridge University Museum of Zoology]
Sparks, TH & Croxton, PJ (2007) The influence of timing and
frequency of hedgerow cutting on hawthorn flowering and berry yields:
preliminary results. Aspects of Applied Biology, 82, 103-106. [Monks
Sparks, TH, Hulme, S & Burgess, MD (2007) The unenclosure:
effects of enclosure removal on muntjac damage to ground flora. Aspects
of Applied Biology, 82, 117-121. [Monks Wood]
Sparks, TH & Löbel, S (2007) Early successional changes
in an English wilderness woodland site. Aspects of Applied Biology,
82, 77-81. [Monks Wood]
Sparks, T, Tryjanowski, P, Cooke, A, Crick, H & Kuzniak, S
(2007) Vertebrate phenology at similar latitudes: temperature responses
differ between Poland and the United Kingdom. Climate Research,
34, 93-98. [Huntingdonshire & Ramsey]
Stacey DA & Fellowes MDE (2002) Temperature and the development rates of thrips: Evidence for a constraint on local adaptation? European Journal of Entomology 99 (3): 399-404 [Boxworth]
Stevenson, [C]R & Rowntree, J (2009) Bryophytes in East Anglian
orchards. Field Bryology 99: 10-18.
Stevenson, CR & Hill, MO (2008) Urban myths exploded: results of a bryological survey of King's Lynn (Norfolk, UK) Journal of Bryology 30 (1): 12-22. [Compares King's Lynn with N. and S. Cambs.]
Stoddard, M.C. & Kilner, R.M. (2013). The past, present and future of 'cuckoos versus reed warblers'. Animal Behaviour 85 (4): 693–699. [Wicken Fen]
Stroh, P. (2011). Alopecurus aequalis at the Great Fen, Huntingdonshire. BSBI News 116: 5–8.
Stroh, P.A., Hughes, F.M.R., Sparks, T.H. & Mountford, J.O. (2012). The influence of time on the soil seed bank and vegetation across a landscape-scale wetland restoration project. Restoration Ecology 20: 103–112. [Wicken Fen]
Stroh, P.A., Mountford, J.O. & Hughes, F.M.R. (2012). The potential for endozoochorous dispersal of temperate fen plant species by free-roaming horses. Applied Vegetation Science 15 (3): 359–368. [Wicken Fen]
Stroh, P.A., Mountford, J.O., Araya, Y.N. & Hughes, F.M.R. (2013). Quantifying soil hydrology to explain the development of vegetation at an ex-arable wetland restoration site. Wetlands 33 (2): 311–320. [Wicken Fen]
Taylor H, Williams P & Gray D (2004) Homelessness and dog ownership: an investigation into animal empathy, attachment, crime, drug use, health and public opinion. Anthrozoös 17 (4): 353-368 [Cambridge]
Thomas, G. (2012). Iron Age and Middle Saxon Settlements at West Fen Road, Ely, Cambridgeshire: The Consortium Site. Medieval Archaeology 56: 375–376.
Thompson, D & Birks, HJB (2005) Derek A. Ratcliffe 1929-2005. British Wildlife 16, 410-412. [Obituary]
Thorogood, R. & Davies, N.B. (2013). Reed warbler hosts fine-tune their defenses to track three decades of cuckoo decline. Evolution 67 (12): 3545–3555. [Wicken Fen]
Walker, K. & Pinches, C. (2012). Too steep for the plough? The history of the Pasqueflower in Britain. British Wildlife 23: 240–249. [Sites in Cambridgeshire]
Waring P (2000) Parasitoid Meteorus gyrator (Thunb.) (Hym.: Braconidae: Meteorinae) reared from larva of the White-spotted Pinion moth Cosmia diffinis (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Cambridgeshire. Entomologists' Record & Journal of Variation 113: 135-138
Waring P (2002) White-spotted Pinion moth Cosmia diffinis (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae): Beating for larvae and light-trapping for adults in Huntingdonshire in 2000. Entomologists' Record & Journal of Variation 114: 84-88
Waring P (2003) Parasitoids Homolobus annulicornis (Nees) (Hym.: Braconidae) and Eumea linearcornis (Zetterstedt) (Dipt.: Tachinidae) reared from larva of the White-spotted Pinion moth Cosmia diffinis (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Cambridgeshire in 2002, with notes on habitat of the host. Entomologists' Record & Journal of Variation 115: 123-126
Waring P (2005) Red-tipped Clearwing Synanthedon formicaeformis
(Esp.) (Lep.: Sesiidae) rediscovered at Borough Fen Decoy, Northamptonshire,
with nearby records from Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire. The Entomologist's
Record and Journal of Variation, 117 (6), 273-275
Waring P (2008) Old Lady moths Mormo maura (L.) (Lep.:
Noctuidae): Record numbers in light-traps at Peterborough. The Entomologist's
Record and Journal of Variation, 120 (1), 15-17
Waring P & Field R (2002) Square-spotted Clay Xestia rhomboidea (Esp.): Discovery of wild larvae in Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire. Atropos 17: 37-41.
Waring P & Hopkins, D (2008) Larva of the White-spotted Pinion moth Cosmia diffinis (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) found in light woodland hedgerow situation at Witcham, Cambridgeshire. The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 120 (1), 29-31
Wells, T, Massey, M, Bowley, A & Walker, K (2007) 24th June - Woodwalton Fen (Field Meeting reports - 2006) BSBI News 105, 36-37
West RG (2000) Plant Life of the Quaternary Cold Stages: evidence from the British Isles. CUP [Several sites in Cambridgeshire Fens]
West RG, Burton RGO, Andrew R & Pettit ME (2002) Evolution of a periglacial landscape in the Late Devensian: environments and palaeobotany of the Mepal area, Cambridgeshire, England. Journal of Quaternary Science 17 (1): 31-50
Whitehouse, M.J., Harrison, N.M., Mackenzie, J. & Hinsley, S.A. (2013). Preferred habitat of breeding birds may be compromised by climate change: unexpected effects of an exceptionally cold, wet spring. PLoS One (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0075536). [Sites in Cambridgeshire]
Wiggins D (2000) The Presidential Address: Nature, Respect for Nature, and the Human Scale of Values. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 100 (1): 1-32 [uses many examples from Cambridgeshire]
Willi, JC, Mountford, JO & Sparks, TH (2005) The modification of ancient woodland ground flora at arable edges. Biodiversity and Conservation, 14, 3215-3233. [Ancient woodland in Cambridgeshire]
Wittering, S. (2013). Ecology and enclosure: the effect of enclosure on society, farming and the environment in South Cambridgeshire, 1798–1850. Windgather Press, Oxford.
Wright JK, Kelly SRA & Page KN (2000) The stratigraphy of the 'Corallian' facies Middle Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) deposits at Upware, Cambridgeshire, England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 111: 97-110
Xiong SJ, Johansson ME, Hughes FMR, Hayes A, Richards KS & Nilsson C (2003) Interactive effects of soil moisture, vegetation canopy, plant litter and seed addition on plant diversity in a wetland community. Journal of Ecology 91 (6): 976-986 [Wicken Fen]