Please submit articles for consideration by email to Editor AT NatureInCambridgeshire.ORG.UK
Publication Date for Next Issue: End of 2nd Week of June
Submission Deadline: 31 March
Scope of the journal
Nature in Cambridgeshire publishes original papers and notes on all aspects of the natural history of Cambridgeshire, including its geology and climate. We also welcome reviews and papers on historical topics. Contributions may cover the current administrative county, the historical counties of Cambridgeshire (v.c.29) or Huntingdonshire (v.c.31), or sites within these areas. Papers relating to adjacent counties or other areas may be accepted if their contents are relevant to Cambridgeshire. All material is peer reviewed and accepted on the understanding that it is not currently being offered to or considered by any other publication.
Submission of material
If you are thinking of submitting a paper and would like to discuss it with the Editor, or with another member of the Editorial Board, please feel free to contact them.
Nature in Cambridgeshire publishes one edition of the journal per year and proposed papers should be submitted by March 31st if they are to be considered for publication in the next issue. Please follow the instructions below in formatting the text.
Authors should be aware that papers and photographs accepted for publication in Nature in Cambridgeshire may be used by the journal on its website with the photographer's copyright clearly indicated.
Papers should be provided as digital copy, with separate image files, and sent by e-mail to editor AT Text files should be in a standard format, such as .doc, .docx, .odt but not the programme ‘Pages’.
Format of the text:
Journal page size The journal has a page size of 145 mm x 210 mm (A5), margins 1.27 cm. Please ensure that tables, figures and inset text will be usable at this size and can fit the page.
Formatting The journal text is printed in fully justified Calibri 9pt on the above page size.
Titles should be devised both to capture the interest of the potential reader and to reflect accurately the contents of the work. Papers may begin with an introduction and then the main body of the work. An abstract may be provided if appropriate but is not essential.
Headings appear in the following sequence:
The title of the paper
Name of the author (either ‘T.H.E. Author’ or ‘Theodora Author’ as you prefer)
First order subheading
Second order subheading
Third order subheading
Text Please supply all in a commonly used font, single-spaced on an A4 page. Please do not use Title Case for titles, but Capitalise proper nouns. Do not use multiple columns for the main text and avoid any formatting other than bold, italic or underline. Avoid non-standard characters. Use –ise endings for words such as recognise and –our for colour amongst others. Use single quotes.
Tables must not be lined up using spaces or multiple tabs. Either separate columns with a single tab (regardless of whether this lines up the columns or not), or create the table within the word document. Do not embed Excel tables within a text document. Dates should follow the format 10th January 2012. Tables should have an explanatory caption before the table and should be referred to in the format ‘Table 1’ in the text and 'Table 1.' in the caption.
Scientific names should include the genus at the first mention; thereafter the generic name should be abbreviated to the initial capital followed by a full stop unless confusion with similar names dictates that they should be spelled out in full. Scientific names should be written in italics. Use initial capitals for English names of species, not for general or generic names. The name of plants should follow Stace (2019), New Flora of the British Isles, ed. 4. Lists of species may be included if they are considered to be integral to the article. Alternatively they may be published as supplementary materials on the journal website. The final decision on whether to include lists of names in an article rests with the Editorial board.
Common names for botanical species should normally follow scientific names and be capitalized e.g. Poa trivialis (Rough Meadow-grass).
Measurements should be in metric units and follow the SI system unless imperial units need to be used for historical reasons, in which case the metric equivalents should be included in round brackets or in an explanatory table. Note that there should be a space between numerical values and units, e.g. ‘8 m’ not ‘8m’.
References should be cited in the text in the following way:
‘is discussed by Adams (1984)’ or ‘is controversial (Adams, 1984)’
Cheffings & Farrell (2005) or (Cheffings & Farrell, 2005)
Beckett et al. (1999) or (Beckett et al., 1999)
B.N.K. Davis (pers. comm.) or (B.N.K. Davis, pers. comm.)
Citations in the list of References at the end of a paper should follow the format below. Capitalisation in titles of books and papers in journals should be kept to a minimum. Journal titles should be given in full. It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that all references are cited accurately.
Jones, W.E. (1983). Live trapping of small mammals in Hayley Wood. Nature in Cambridgeshire 26: 60-61.
Fielder, H., Brotherton, P., Hosking, J., Hopkins, J.J., Ford-Lloyd, B. & Maxted, N. (2015). Enhancing the Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives in England. Plos One 10(6): e0130804.
Sanford, M. & Fisk, R. (2010). A flora of Suffolk. D.K. & M.N. Sanford, Ipswich.
Rose, F. (1992). Temperate forest management: its effects on bryophyte and lichen floras and habitats. In Bryophytes and lichens in a changing environment, ed. J.W. Bates & A.M. Farmer, pp. 211–233. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Birkinshaw, C.R. (1985). The conservation of bryophytes. M.Sc. thesis, University College, London.
Lush, M., Robertson, H.J., Alexander, K.N.A., Giavarini, V., Hewins, E., Mellings, J., Stevenson, C.R., Storey, M. & Whitehead, P.F. (2009). Biodiversity studies of six traditional orchards in England. Research Report no. 025. Natural England, Sheffield.
Crompton, G. (2001). Cambridgeshire flora records since 1538. [online] Available at:<> [Accessed 10th January 2017].
Figures Graphical plots, original artwork and photographs are welcome and should be provided as separate files alongside any script. ANY figures and images to be published in the text should also be placed where they should appear, or this should be indicated. Illustrations, including photographs and distribution maps must be provided as .TIF or .PNG file types, at a resolution of 300 dpi or better. We will accept .JPG format if the resolution is high enough. Figures must be provided with captions, and the captions for photographs should include the name of the photographer. They should be referred to in the format ‘Figure 1’ in the text and 'Figure 1.' in the caption.
Book reviews should use the following format for the header:
A Flora of Suffolk. Martin Sanford & Richard Fisk. (D.K. & M.N. Sanford, Ipswich, 2010). Hardback, 547 pages. ISBN 978-0-9564584-0-7. £42.